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My travels

I am currently travelling around Australia in a campervan. As I travel, I intend uploading details of where I've been and what I've done, along with my images. I still have thousands of photos to process and upload from early in my travels, so some of the links below have brief information about them but few images. Then I have the thousands of photos from before then . . .


Wabma Kadarbu Mound Springs Conservation Park

There are many mound springs in this area.

The springs are natural outlets for the underground waters of the Great Artesian Basin. The GAB underlies 22% of Australia, was formed between 100-250 million years ago, and holds an estimated 64900 million mega litres of water.

There are 1700 springs in 23 complexes within SA. Flow varies from seepages to millions of litres per day. Many have stopped flowing since the sinking of bores which reduce underground pressure.

The mounds are composed of mineral salts and sediments from spring waters and wind-blown dust and sand.

The flora and fauna around the springs is unique because of their isolation, with each mound basically being a wetland surrounded by desert.

The water provided unfailing drought relief for Arabunna people in dry periods when less saline water from rock holes, soaks and creeks was not available. The springs feature prominently in rituals and mythology.

The springs were vital to European exploration and the establishment of pastoral runs. The Great Northern (Ghan) Railway and the Overland Telegraph closely followed the line of springs, with Repeater Stations at springs.

Tasmania South Australia Victoria Australian Capital Territory Western Australia New South Wales Queensland Northern Territory

All images and content on this site © Don O'Connor.

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